5. Tasty Source

When all is said and done writing code in a clean, readable, and reusable way is pointless unless the code can be saved for later use. In programming a source file (sometimes called a module) is a text file that contains our code. Separating code into smaller modular files that refer to code in one another module makes our code easier to read and edit because we can keep each concept stored in a single file. We do not have to, nor should we, keep all of our source code in the same file. This also makes redistributing or sharing the code very easy.

If you have not noticed, much of the goal in programming is to break down your thoughts into smaller concepts and then make them into even smaller pieces of code. If you have one massive function that does everything your program needs to do then it can often be hard to find and solve problems in this code. However, if you break your code into smaller pieces (wherever it makes sense to do so) then you are left with small, replaceable, and reusable pieces of the puzzle.

Also probably evident, in programming we want to create beautiful code while also being super lazy. This means that we tend to favor clean, small code that when read is clear about what it does. This is made even easier when the source code is not a big jumbled mess.

5.1. Pass the Source

Obviously if we split our code into different files we will need a method of telling one file that it uses something in another file. Today this is usually called “importing” (sometimes called include) and is often written at the top of a source file. Importing is used not just to reference your own code in other files but other code that is included in your programming language of choice, or even a library that someone else wrote that you wish to use.

In Python we can write the following code which will calculate 2 to the power of 10 using the math module that comes with Python.

>>> import math
>>> math.pow(2, 10)

By using the import keyword we have told the language (Python in this case) that it should look for a module named math so that we can use the code defined in math.

When you ask to import something the language will go looking in some predefined locations that it thinks the source code is likely to be. Usually it will first look in the current directory that you or your root source file is located in. Then it might search other locations that it thinks its libraries will be installed to. This means that even though Python comes with a math module, if I wrote another Python file in the same directory that I started the python command line interpreter then that file would be imported instead. This is because it looks there before looking in the libraries included by Python.

Most languages work in a very similar way. Some languages have Imports (or includes) that work slightly differently or can be made more specific. In C/C++ when another file is included then everything in that file is brought into the current file as if it where written here. Meaning if there is a function called pow in the file we are including and we also have one in the source file after the include then it will override the previous pow.

A similar thing can be done in Python but it is not recommended for exactly the reason I mentioned above. It pollutes your source code by importing everything into the current Namespace.

>>> from math import *
>>> pow(2, 10)

While this is generally considered a bad thing to do in many modern programming circles it does present something nice. We do not have to prefix any math usage with its Namespace, we just call the pow function directly. This may sound like a trade off that needs to be considered but many languages have already beaten you to a beautiful solution, selective imports!.

If all we are going to do is use the pow function, and it is not going to cause any confusion or conflicts with other code in our own module, why not just import pow and nothing else. Seems logical, lets do that.

>>> from math import pow
>>> pow(2, 10)

There we have it. We are now importing only what we use. There are arguments for both this method and just importing only the math module, Namespace and all, however they are a little beyond this book. No one here is trying to tell you how anything has to be done. But, I do encourage you to experiment and decide what is best for your self.

As a final note on importing things in cool ways. What if we do only want to import a specific function, or even then whole module, but we already have something that has the same name in our current module that would cause conflicts. A few languages will allow you to rename what you import, Python included.

>>> from math import pow as mathpow
>>> mathpow(2, 10)
>>> import math as realmath
>>> realmath.pow(2, 10)

Using these two methods we can usually dance around any import conflicts and land on some beautiful code.

Although when importing modules do be careful about “Circular Dependencies”. If module A imports module B which imports module A, this can be a real problem and some languages will just fail to handle this at all if you are lucky. If you are unlucky they may get stuck in a loop or not give you any hint as to why it is failing.

5.2. Fair Shake of the Source

Some languages do not have an interactive interpreter and must be used by compiling/interpreting source files. In Python we can do both.

Source files are plain text files that use a specific file extension (the last few letters of a file name after a dot, ie. filename.txt the extension is .txt) that can be edited using anything that can write a simple text file although some editors have better support for programming.

We could start an entire war over which editor is the best to use, we covered some of the common choices in the Introduction and left it to you to research and decide what you like the best. Experiment away, that’s what we are here to do.

Another important thing about source files is that they usually have some kind of entry point. An entry point is usually a function called main that is the start of our programs execution.

Python is a little different but every language has its twists. We are going to write a simple program that will just say Hello World! to the user. This is a pretty program that is very often used as a first tutorial or introduction to a specific programming language.

Source files for Python are denoted by the .py file extension. So here is greeting.py

def greeter():
    print("Hello World!")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Now if we run python greeting.py from the command line we will get our greeting. Finally we touched on something where Python may not be the easiest language to demonstrate with. I will give a little explanation.

In most languages there is just some kind of main function or equivalent entry point. Due to the nature of Python we need to jump through a few hoops to do the same thing.

We could get the same results if we wrote the file like this.

def greeter():
    print("Hello World!")

Or, for those of you who are a little sharper, you may have noticed we can just make this a one line file and do the same thing still.

print("Hello World!")

However we do not do this when we are writing a program. As a single file script this works just fine but what if some other source files in our program wanted to use greeting.py. Give it a go and see what happens. If we change the greeting.py source code to either of the previous two examples and then open a new Python interpreter with python on the command line in the same directory as the greeting.py source file.

If we entered import greeting it would print out Hello World! which in the second examples case means that just by importing the module the greeter function was called. However the first example will only call the function when that source is the file being executed by python directly as we did by calling python greeting.py making the greeting module have the special __name__ variable equal "__main__".

In this case it does not really matter if you understand why this happens just that you know that with python that is how it is done.

If you are still having problems figuring out when to use which method just take a moment to experiment. After all experimenting is the best way to learn programming (in my opinion) and is a core concept of this book.

5.3. Packages

After all this we now have a greeting module but what if we want to step up the complexity. This is where packages come in. When there are lots of source files it can be easier to sort things into a hierarchy of directories. For example in a game we might want to have a package for everything to do with drawing to the screen and a different package for all the networking code. So what we can do is have a directory structure that looks like this:


With this directory structure graphics and network are packages that contain the screen and client modules (respectively) and as such we can use these modules by saying from graphics import screen or with Python and some other languages we can even get something specific from our modules:

from graphics.screen import draw

It is worth noting that the example file structure given above will not work in Python because it wont just accept any directory as a package. In Python a directory that should be considered a package must have a file in it called __init__.py that can be empty. This file is what is executed when you import just the package, for example import graphics would run any code in __init__.py before continuing. This is specific to python but the general package concept holds true even for languages that don’t support modern “packages”. For example in C/C++ instead of giving the package/module names you give the file path:

#include "graphics/screen.h"

Using packages can make code maintenance much easier and the entire project easier to understand.