4. The Object of my Desire

Now we have data that we can store and functions to easily and repeatable manipulate that data but sometimes it is not enough. Many programming languages use a paradigm called Object Oriented Programming (commonly referred to as OOP) that allows us to do many cool and complex things in a relatively elegant way.

The primary feature of OOP is... you guessed it, Objects. An object is a named collection of variables that is used as a template to create a data structure that performs as specified on demand.

This may sound quite complicated but it just needs to be explained better. Objects are a great way of conceptualizing real world objects in programming. Say we wanted to create a representation of a cube in our code. We could use collection data types like a dictionary or some such to store the data about our cube. What would be even better, however, is to create an object that defines how a cube should act and what kind of data it would store.

The first thing that needs to be done is to think about what kind of data we want to store. For a cube it should have at least a size variable to store, well, its size. Because we are defining a cube and each side should have the exact same length we can use one size variable for all of the sides. This is a fine representation of a cube, albeit very simplistic. Lets also decide we want to store its position in a three dimensional space. For this we simply need to store an; X, Y and Z variable to describe its position.

Now enough theory lets have a look at this object in some real code, namely Python.

>>> class Cube(object):
...     def __init__(self):
...         self.size = 0
...         self.posx = 0
...         self.posy = 0
...         self.posz = 0
>>> companion = Cube()
>>> companion.size = 10
>>> companion.size

OK, some basic things to get out of the way. In Python objects should inherit from the base object, this is why after we name our new “class” (the common name for an object definition) we place (object) to denote that this class acts like an object.

Objects often have “constructors” and sometimes “destructors” these are functions (or “methods” as they are called when they are part of an object’s definition) that are called when, you guessed it again, the object is constructed and/or destroyed.

Also often when defining classes/objects and their methods we use the terms self or this to mean this instance of an object.

In the above example we use the Python object constructor __init__ that takes an object instance as an argument (self) and will give its variables their default values, in this case the integer 0.

Next we assign the variable companion as a new instance of the Cube object by calling the object as if it where a function. Finally we set the size variable of our new Cube object to 10 and finally we show that the change worked.

Now we can create any number of Cube objects each with their own values by creating a new instance just as we did above with companion.

Other languages employ different methods and keywords for using and creating objects, classes, instances, etc. and is usually very easy to find on the web.

4.1. The Layer Cake

Another very useful feature of OOP is Inheritance. What this means is that one object definition can be based on another, taking all its variables and methods and building on top of them.

Lets just go straight to an example this time.

>>> class InSpace(object):
...     def __init__(self, posx=0, posy=0, posz=0):
...         self.posx = posx
...         self.posy = posy
...         self.posz = posz
>>> class Cube(InSpace):
...     def __init__(self, size, posx=0, posy=0, posz=0):
...         super(Cube, self).__init__(posx, posy, posz)
...         self.size = size
>>> destination = InSpace(1,posz=5)
>>> destination.posx
>>> destination.posy
>>> companion = Cube(10)
>>> companion.posx

This time we are doing things a little different.

We start off with similar thing to before, we are just creating a new class to define things that exist in a three dimensional space. However here we are using default arguments to allow the constructor to optionally take the position of an InSpace object only if it is given, otherwise that dimension will be 0.

Next we define a new Cube object, this time instead of inheriting directly from object we inherit from InSpace. This means that our new object will have everything that InSpace has and can be used anywhere an InSpace object is expected. For this objects constructor we tell it that we want the size argument to be required and have the position arguments to default to 0 upon creation/initialization of this object.

In some languages, Python included, you will need to explicitly call the constructor of the “parent” object if you want it to be executed. Python uses the super function to make this a bit easier in Python 3 it is even easier as super can be called with no arguments to do exactly the same thing as above, but people are still using both so I show what works everywhere.

This is more language specific rather then general programming and so is not something I will go into too deeply. Suffice to say that above we use super to get the object definition of the parent of Cube and then call its constructor appropriately.

After we have defined our object hierarchy I have just done some example usages of both classes including different ways to use the optional positional arguments.

4.2. The Method to my Madness

Now we can go about doing cooler things like giving special methods that only cubes can use or even better adding methods to InSpace that allows every object definition that inherits it to easily move around without having to update its “children” such as Cube. In fact lets do just that!

Using the above example, again, any changes in the code to the InSpace class will be reflected in any class that inherits from it (it’s children) accordingly. Because of this we can easily abstract the concepts behind a class in its base components. So if everything exists in a three dimensional space it might be a good idea to implement things specific to being in such a space in a class such as InSpace so each object that derives from it does not have to implement such things over and over again. This leaves each object inheriting from InSpace to focus on what it specifically needs to accomplish it’s job.

With this in mind let us redefine the InSpace class with some methods to help us move around in a space.

class InSpace(object):
    def __init__(self, posx=0, posy=0, posz=0):
        self.posx = posx
        self.posy = posy
        self.posz = posz

    def move_x(self, distance):
        self.posx += distance

    def move_y(self, distance):
        self.posy += distance

    def move_z(self, distance):
        self.posz += distance

With this as our new base class we can use the move_ methods from any object that inherits from InSpace.

This means that we can use the Cube class as it was defined above and do companion.move_x(10) to move 10 units forward in space and companion.move_x(-10) to move 10 units backwards. Note that in the function call to move backwards we use -10 for a specific reason.

We could have a method for moving forwards and backwards on each axis but that may get a little messy. Instead we use a more general approach. When we add the distance to a variable we use the += operator which adds distance to the current value of the variable on the left and then stores the result in the same place. Basically the final two statements are identical.

>>> position = 0
>>> position = position + 10
>>> position += 10

Now comes the part that we abuse to make the movement three simple methods instead of six. When you add a negative number (-10 in our case) to another number it will actually perform a minus operation. By using this we can just hand the move methods positive numbers when we want to move forward on that axis and a negative integer when we want to move backwards. Neat huh!

4.3. This Isn’t Even my Final Form

It doesn’t end here. Depending on you needs and what you language of choice provides you can create powerful base classes and object hierarchies or even interfaces that you can use to make your code easily re-usable and even extendable.

Some languages allow a class to inherit from multiple classes at once. In statically typed languages there is often Templating which allows for you to make a generic class that can be used with any object type. There are very few problems that cannot be solved using an OOP approach.

It sounds complex but this can be super helpful. However just the basics outlined here is more then enough to get you into the world of OOP and open up a lot of possibilities for better code.